Frequently Asked  Questions

Below you will find commonly asked questions that we receive from our customers. If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1 (888) 464-6772.

A boiler inspection is a thorough examination of a boiler system to ensure that it is functioning properly and safely. Inspections are typically performed by trained and licensed professionals who evaluate the condition of the boiler’s components, check for leaks and other issues, and verify that the system meets all relevant safety standards.

Boiler inspections are important for several reasons. First and foremost, they help ensure the safety of people and property by identifying potential hazards before they can cause harm. Additionally, inspections can help identify and address issues that could lead to reduced efficiency or premature equipment failure, which can save money on energy costs and reduce the need for costly repairs or replacements. 

The frequency of boiler inspections depends on several factors, including the type of boiler, its age, and how heavily it is used. In New York City, low pressure boilers require annual inspections to be performed within the calendar year. High-pressure boilers, including electric high-pressure boilers, must have two inspections: an internal inspection and an external inspection. These inspections must be conducted within the same cycle but should be performed approximately six months apart. In Maryland, boilers and pressure vessels shall be inspected annually or biennially depending on the type of equipment.

In New York City, low-pressure boiler inspections can be performed only by qualified installers licensed by the Department of Buildings (DOB) or by an authorized boiler insurance company. High-pressure boiler owners must hire an authorized insurance company

During a boiler inspection, the inspector will typically perform a visual examination of the boiler’s components, check for leaks or other signs of damage or wear, and verify that all safety controls are functioning properly. For certain NYC DEP inspections, the inspector may also perform tests to check the boiler’s efficiency and ensure that it is operating within the proper parameters.

If a boiler fails an inspection, the owner or operator will be notified of the issues that need to be addressed. In New York City, the owner has 90 days after the inspection date to submit a passed re-inspection to avoid a civil penalty. Once the necessary repairs have been made, the boiler will need to be re-inspected to ensure that it is functioning safely and properly.

To prepare for a boiler inspection, make sure that the boiler is accessible and that any relevant documentation, such as maintenance records or previous inspection reports, is available for review. Boiler rooms should be cleaned and proper lighting must be provided. Ladders may be required depending on the height tof the boiler. It may also be helpful to schedule the inspection at a time when the boiler is not in use or when its usage can be minimized, to ensure that the inspector can perform a thorough examination.